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December 2016: Imec supplies an advanced XRF Flouresence instrument to Alfa Laval.

November 2016: Imec participated in Aluminum 2016, Düsseldorf, together with TSI ChemLogix. Imec exhibited on BDSV Jahrestagung 2016 and on Recycling Dagen in Stockholm.

October 2016: Imec installs a Radiation Portal Monitors M 4525-3800 at Stena Køge.

September 2016: Imec supplies the third ChemLite (TSI) to AMAG, Ranshofen. 

August 2016: Imec installs a Radiation Portal Monitors M 375P-1000V at Metallschmelzwerk Ulm.

June 2016: Imec supplies the second ChemLite (TSI) to AMAG, Ranshofen.

May 2016: Imec exhibits on IFAT 2016 in Munich. Imec installs one more Radiation Portal Monitors M 375P-1000V at Leber Rohstoffe.

April 2016: Imec installs two Radiation Portal Monitors M 375P-1000V at Leber Rohstoffe

March 2016: Imec supplies the first ChemLite (TSI) to AMAG, Ranshofen.  Imec participates on Ludlum Medical Physics booth at the ECR 2016 exhibition in Vienna.  

February 2016:  Imec supplies 4 systems Area Monitor M 375/2 for hospitals in Poland.

January 2016: Imec joins TSI ChemLogix (USA) as a distribution partner as well as tech-center. Imec supplies an advanced XRF Flouresence instrument to Iron Pump.

December 2015: Imec supplies an advanced XRF Flouresence instrument to Novo Nordisk A/S.

November 2015: Imec supplies Area Monitors Model 375 to G4S.

October 2015: Imec becomes a supplier to Uddeholms AB (Tool Steel) in Sweden.

September 2015: Imec receives an order from the Danish Technical University Nuclear location in Risø, Denmark on Area Monitors Model 375.

August 2015: Imec exhibits on the NSFS (IRPA) conference in Roskilde, Denmark. The Vicepresident from Ludlum Measurements participates.

July 2015: Imec installs a Conveyor Radiation Detection System at the Shredder in Stena Recyclings location in Roskilde, Denmark. This is identical to the Conveyor Radiation Detection System that Imec installed at the Shredder in Stena Recyclings location in Grenaa, Denmark in 2012.

June 2015: Imec exhibits at the Recycling Aktiv Exhibition in Baden-Baden, Germany.

May 2015: Imec installs a Radiation Portal Monitor Model 4525-7000 at Stena Recyclings location in Esbjerg, Denmark

April 2015:  Imec installs a Radiation Portal Monitor Model 4525-7000 at Stena Recyclings location in Rødkærsbro, Denmark

March 2015: Imec participates on Ludlum Medical Physics booth at the ECR 2015 exhibition in Vienna and presents that Imec expands repair and calibration service to the Middle East Region also.

Februar 2015:  Imec installs a Radiation Portal Monitor Model 4525-7000 at Norsk Gjenvinning AS in Bergen (Norway).

Januar 2015: Imec installs a Bruker Q4 Mobile Optical Emission Spectra system at Wila A/S in Silkeborg.

December 2014:  Imec installs a Radiation Portal Monitor Model 4525-7000 at Höganäs Sweden AB location loading dock in Höganäs Hamn, Sweden

November 2014: Imec installs a Radiation Portal Monitor Model 4525-7000 at Höganäs Sweden AB location in Höganäs, Sweden 

October 2014: Imec installs a Radiation Portal Monitor Model 4525-7000 at Lantz Järn & Metal AB in Stockholm, Sweden.

September 2014: Imec installs the first Bruker Q4 Mobile Optical Emission Spectra system at Nordiske Svejsekontrol.

August 2014: Imec expands its services to PerkinElmer) to include also Germany and Schwitzerland.

July 2014: Imec receives an order for the first Bruker Q4 Mobile OES system sold in Scandinavia.

June 2014: Imec expands its services to PETNET (Siemens) to include also France as well.

April/May 2014: Imec installs the remaining Radiation Portal Monitors Model 375P-1000 at Alfa Laval facilities.

March 2014: Imec participates on Ludlum Medical Physics booth at the ECR 2014 exhibition in Vienna. Imec GmbH signs up a contract with Christian Hinz as Sales Manager for Germany. 

February 2014: Imec installs the two first Radiation Portal Monitor Model 375P-1000 at Alfa Laval Kolding, Denmark

January 2014: Imec supplies neutron radiation protection (Borated Polyethylen) and frisking equipment to Landspitali (University Hospital) on Iceland.

December 2013: Imec installs two newly developed "radiation-shielding on demand" systems at Hillerød Hospital Trauma center. This will reduce the staff´s exposure from X-rays to an absolute minimum.

The year 2013 brought a wast increase in our sales of Brukers S1 Titan XRF analyzers.

Imec makes an agreement with PerkinElmer, Holland on calibration and service of handheld measurement equipment. 

November 2013: Imec has established a company in Germany; Imec GmbH. Imec exhibits at the BDSV conference 2013 in Berlin.

Imec wins a huge order to Alfa Laval on among other 10 Radiation Portal Monitor Model 375P-1000. 

Oktober 2013: Imec installs a Radiation Portal Monitor Model 4525-7000 at Lantz fJärn & Metall AB in Sollentuna, Sweden.

September 2013:   Imec installs a Radiation Portal Monitor Model 4525-7000 at Lantz Fragmentering AB in Norrköping, Sweden.

August 2013: Imec installs a Radiation Portal Monitor Model 4525-7000 at Höganäs Sweden AB location in Halmstad, Sweden.

July 2013: Imec supplies pressurized Ion Chamber Survey Meters Model 9DP* (ambient reading) to DTU (Danish Technical University) Risø.

June 2013: Imec supplies radiation area monitoring system Model 375/1 and frisking equipment to Landspitali (University Hospital) on Iceland.

May 2013: Imec supplies Ion Chamber Survey Meters, Model 9DP-1 for measurering pulsing radiation to Aarhus University (ISA).

April 2013: Imec wins a contract with Höganäs Sweden AB, Sweden about supplying & installing Radiation Detection Equipmentment concerning inspection of incoming materials.

March 2013: Imec participated on Ludlum Medical Physics booth at the ECR 2013 exhibition in Vienna. 

December 2012: Imec launches a handy container for safe keeping of radioactive sources. The container is availabel with various radiation protection and has been very well received by our customers.

September 2012: Ludum Measurements Inc. introduces Imec as certified calibration and repair facility in Europe.


In our capacity as representative for three of the worlds probably best measuring equipment manufacturers, Imec has an important task in communicating the advantages of this equipment in making our environment a safer and healthier place to live. The training of the customers as well as the service of the equipment being equally important.


Imec is dedicated to render a prompt, precise and reliable solution and service to satify our customers in the market area we represent.

This market area is the Nordic countries, Germany (except medical physics), Poland and the Baltic states.


Contact us

Imec ApS

Erhvervsparken 7
DK-4621 Gadstrup
T: +45 46 40 78 85
F: +45 46 31 01 52